Please click here to order your copy of Worth the Ride: My Journey with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. All proceeds go to Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD)

Monday, October 06, 2008

I'm Back

You may have noticed that I have not posted anything for quite some time. I'd like to assure everyone out there that I am fine. Over the past few weeks, I've had every intention of posting something, but life got in the way, so to speak.

First, there were some scheduling changes with regard to my nursing care. It goes along with the territory when you live this life, but without a stable nursing situation, it can be quite challenging. In the course of training a new nurse, I discovered that using the toilet can be risky proposition, as I was dropped not once but twice while being lowered onto the throne with my Hoyer lift. My tailbone and hip aching, I promptly dropped her -- from my schedule. I am supposed to meet another recruit this week, so we'll see how that goes...

Second, the change of season is wreaking havoc on my body. I haven't adjusted yet to the cooler autumn weather, so I've been extremely cold and tired. This happens to me every year, so I know that I will feel better soon.

Finally, although it isn't easy to get a whole lot done at less than full strength, I have been trying to make some headway with my master's thesis, in the hope that I might actually finish the thing this century!

So that, in a nutshell, is why you haven't heard from me in a while. If my research starts to pick up, my posts may be less frequent, but I will continue to share my life and to offer hope and advice to those dealing with Duchenne's, so please, keep up the comments and e-mails.

Before I conclude this post, I'd like to give a shout out to my beloved Philadelphia Phillies for making it to the National League Championship Series for the first time since 1993, and to my good friend Art, who just relocated to Southern California from Philly to take an exciting position. I wish him the best of luck and thank him for proving that DMD is no match for someone with courage and determination.


Anonymous said...

it's about time that you "picked up your pen"! alot of your devoted readers (including yours truly)have been missing your take on life, as we know it. get over the autumn and finish that thesis!

Anonymous said...

Hey my friend-

Ditto! I hate the cold, and I share your pain. School is crazy (adolescents need frequent beatings!) and I am also working on an appeal to get some stuff from my know how that goes. BUT, we both share some baseball goodwill and here's hoping we will meet in the World Series.
I will call you soon my friend. Keep up the fight.

Anonymous said...

Thanks goodness your back! You know I need something to read at Go Phils!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to have you back!
love, anna

Anonymous said...

Hi Josh...I can't recall how I heard about your Blog but I check in every now and then and totally enjoy your endeavors. I read your book last was great. I have 2 sons with DMD so I can appreciate a lot of your tribulations. Get this..I took my son (30 yr old..Paul) to a Coldplay concert last August and met a man with DMD who was 42 years old..WOW! Anyway, keep up the great and valuable work. Walt Avery

Anonymous said...

I just heard about the Phils good fortune (I know, I'm a little out of touch when it comes to sports) and thought of you immediately. Hope they do well tonight and make it to the World Series!
I hate the cold w/a passion. I do feel like we have been spared some chilly fall days so far, although it was VERY cold this morning on the way to choir. I heard it will be near 80 tomorrow! But I know cold weather is looming and that depresses me and I know it will take a physical toll.
I'm sorry to hear about the nursing situation. I know how it feels to not trust the people taking care of you. I hope they find a better replacement!
Give me a call sometime. I'd call you now but the Eagles are playing, and I think they just blew their lead. I know you are not in the best mood now and probably horce from yelling at the TV! Hope things turn around for your sake!

Josh said...

Glad to have you back and writing Josh. Good luck searching for a new recruit.

And Go Phils! Last night's game was nerve-racking and intense, but so awesome. I having a hard time not dreaming about 5 more wins and what goes along with it...

Josh K

Anonymous said...

Missed you buddy! Sorry you are going through a rough patch with your nursed but I'm sure your excitement for the 'Fightens is keeping you going. I was lucky enough to go to the game Friday night and was thinking of you. Bob went last night in LA too - and almost got killed by pissed off LA fans. BEAT LA! BEAT LA! Let's catch up soon.
